The Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA) has opened registration for their fall seminar: "Southern Accents: Slabs, Safes, Seats, and Color"
Each year the SAPFM Cartouche Selection Committee identifies a candidate that exemplifies the qualities of a craftsman that has demonstrated a lifetime excellence in furniture making.
SAPFM is pleased to announce we are once again accepting applications for educational grants. Grants are awarded based on one of three qualifications.
The entire SAPFM Board wants to thank all entrants for the 2023 Phil Lowe Makers Challenge. We were fortunate this year to have twenty-nine members willing to take the time and effort to submit their work, which allowed us to see for ourselves how truly talented our membership really is. Every item that was entered is an award-winning piece which represents countless hours of skill and effort.
The 2023 edition of SAPFM’s annual journal is now at the printer and delivery to members who were up to date as of October 31, 2023 is expected to begin around the first of December.