American Period Furniture is the annual journal of the Society of American Period Furniture Makers. This distinctive publication is sent to SAPFM members in December of each year. Edited by Robert W. Lang and written by experts in the field of historical furniture construction the journal is an in-depth resource with a wealth information on the history and construction methods for furniture made in the United States.
Each edition of the journal contains at least 100 pages of unique editorial content and an advertising section with resources for those who share our passion for quality furniture with historical significance. Printed in the USA on durable gloss paper the journal is intended to last, and is a valuable reference that grows with each annual edition.
Back Issues
Tables of contents and information on purchasing back issues is available Go Shopping
A note to our Members
Every member who is in good standing as of October 31 should receive their issue by the end of the year. If your issue has not arrived by then, email the editor and be sure to include your complete mailing address.
Inside the Most Recent Journal
Feature Articles
The front cover features the work of 2024 Cartouche Award recipient Marion Smith, who created the Philadelphia style secretary/desk. Details of this masterpiece are feature on the inside front cover. His career is profiled in an article by John Ogilvie.
2018 Cartouche recipient Ray Journigan writes about the construction of a pie-crust tea table based on the “Acme of Perfection” table and the issues of building reproductions and adaptations.
David Heller writes about the inlay work on an incredible l’art nouveau table top. Details of this table are also featured on the back cover.
2023 Cartouche recipient writes about the construction of a Hepplewhite-inspired side chair, 2019 recipient Bob Stevenson shows some of his work completed after retirement and 2010 recipient Steve Lash reproduces an iconic chair designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
Projects & History
This edition of the journal also includes several projects created by our members including a unique restoration project of a Campeche chair by Mike Mascelli, an 18th-century Tea Kettle Stand by Denise Palko, a game table with hidden elements by Tim DeMars and Shop Organization by Bob Baker.

Table of Contents
There is much more inside. See the full table of contents, below.

APF Companion Materials
Oftentimes, video, drawings, and other related content is mentioned in American Period Furniture Journal articles. You can find it here. We have listed these resources for the current and past Journals.
Who will write the next edition of American Period Furniture?
The SAPFM journal is written by our members. If you have an idea for an article we would love to hear about it.
Our editor's mission is to make producing an article as easy as possible for our contributors. You don't need to write a complete article before you submit your proposal and we prefer to publish the work of skilled furniture makers regardless of their experience in writing. If you are proud of your work can explain how you did something to another woodworker you are well on you way to an article in the journal.
Click here for our “Writer’s Guidelines” to get started. PDF of Guidelines
Interested in advertising in American Period Furniture?
Our typical member is your best customer. If your product or service is related to period furniture, the members of SAPFM are among the most accomplished and enthusiastic wood workers in the world. Your advertisement will reach the right audience and you will help to support the mission of SAPFM. Contact our editor Bob Lang (
If you would like to advertise in American Period Furniture camera ready, digitally formatted ad copy is desired. The editor can provide services to prepare ads at additional cost.
Click here to view our media kit. PDF of the Media Kit
Take a Look Inside the 2021 Issue of American Period Furniture

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