A new Cartouche Award Recipient is selected every calendar year.
All Cartouche Award nominations reflect a lifetime of achievement by the nominee.

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pdfPhotographs: What you should know

Applications for the Cartouche Award are submitted in digital format. The application is placed on a USB (thumb) drive and sent via postal mail or a delivery service to the address listed below.

Either the nominee or the individual making the nomination can contact members of the Cartouche Award Screening Committee to ask for assistance and guidance if the digital format poses a difficulty.

Nominations are to be sent to:

Steve Latta
66 Amy Drive
Gap, PA 17527

       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Selection Guidelines

  1. Nominees, and those who nominate them, are not required to be members of SAPFM.
  2. Nominees, and those who nominate them, can be active SAPFM members, but cannot be members of the SAPFM Board of Directors.
  3. Recipients of an individual award may include two individuals, although only one cartouche listing will be given. 
  4. Institutions may not be nominated for the Cartouche Award, but may be selected at the discretion of the SAPFM Board of Directors.
  5. Nominations may be submitted by members of the Cartouche Award Screening Committee. 

 The Nomination Process

  1. Nominations are received for consideration.
  2. Nominations are reviewed to assure that applications are thorough and have been completed properly.
  3. After review the applications are forwarded to the SAPFM Cartouche Advisory Committee for selection of the annual Cartouche Award recipient.
  4. The award winner and other nominees are notified of the results by the current SAPFM President.

 Critical Dates in the Nomination Process

  1. The start of the application submission period is July 15 of the year prior to the Cartouche Award presentation.
  2. Nominations submitted to the SAPFM Cartouche Award Screening Committee must be received by September 1 of the year prior to the Cartouche Award presentation.
  3. The Screening Committee will review and submit the completed nominations to the Cartouche Advisory Committee by October 1. 
  4. The Chairman of the Advisory Committee will inform the SAPFM Board of Directors of the award winner by November 15. 
  5. The Cartouche Award presentation will be made in June at the annual mid-year SAPFM Cartouche Banquet. 

 Requests for Additional Information

Nominees for the Cartouche Award and their representatives are discouraged from contacting the Cartouche Advisory Committee directly. 

If necessary, the Advisory Committee may request more information regarding a candidate from the person(s) making the nomination.

 Disposition and Handling of Nomination Materials

All materials submitted to SAPFM will be held for consideration for the following two years, provided that a new nomination letter is submitted each year.

If new images are to be included, a complete new packet must be submitted. (Nominees may resubmit an updated application for future consideration). Materials will not be returned unless specifically requested. 

Materials submitted by the winning applicant may be used by SAPFM for PR purposes strictly related to the Cartouche Award. SAPFM waives all rights to all other submitted materials. 

Questions regarding the Nomination Process 

Questions regarding the nominating process can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..