SAPFM Board of Directors

SAPFM is an all-volunteer organization with an elected board. Current board members are listed below. 

Board Member (Role)End of Term
Dave Redlin (President) 2024
David Feola (Vice President) 2026
Rod Bankes (Treasurer) 2025
Joel Goodwin (Secretary) 2024
Sam Rhodes 2024
Charlie Driggs 2025
Nancy Maloney  2025
Jeff Thompson 2025
Wes Sunderland 2025
Mark Maleski 2026
Dennis Heyza 2026
Bill Markert 2026


SAPFM Committees

Committee Name
(alphabetical order)
(L = Committee Lead)
Board Nominating Committee Ken Johnson (L), Jim Shapiro, Dale Ausherman
Cartouche Award Selection Ken Johnson (L), Steve Latta, Al Breed, Ronald Young, Ben Colman, Jeffrey Roberts, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chapter Support Mark Maleski(L), Charlie Driggs, Ken Johnson, Bill Markert, Jeff Thompson
Development Charlie Driggs, Tom Sears
Editorial Board Ronnie Young (L), Steve Dietrich, Mickey Callahan, John Rowe, Jim Tice, Jeff Saylor, Jerry Lauchle, Alf Sharp
Educational Grants Ken Johnson (L), Mark Maleski, Dave Redlin, Jeffrey Saylor, Jeff Thompson, Don Peregoy
Financial Rod Bankes (L)
Major Events Sam Rhodes (L), Andy Boro, Bob Mustain, Steve Dietrich, Tom Sears, Keith Smith, Tom Turiff, Dave Redlin
Makers Challenge Dave Redlin, Nancy Maloney, Jeff Thompson
Membership Coordinator Keith Smith (L)
Outreach Dave Redlin (L), Steve Coulter, Jim Francis, Bill Markert, John Rowe, Wes Sunderland
Registrar – Annual Conference Keith Smith (L)
SAPFM Business Office Roger Hall (Williamsburg Rep), Keith Smith(Membership), Robert Lang (Publications), Julian Peters (Media Art)
Social Media Dennis Heyza (L), Dave Redlin
Solicitation Registration Andy Boro (L)
Website Keith Doney (L), Jonathan Carlyon, Mark Maleski, Bill Markert, Dave Redlin