SAPFM will hold an election for four representatives on the Board of Directors this year. The election will be held via the website, from October 15 - November 15. 

Serving on the board is a great way to meet and collaborate with others who want to make SAPFM as good as it can be.  You’ll gain satisfaction from helping preserve the art and skills we are all interested in, and make good friends in the process!  SAPFM is primarily a member-run organization and we need a diverse set of skills in our own governing body to allow SAPFM to thrive.

The application form is available here.

Applications must be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  by October 13 to allow time to provide the information to members before voting begins on October 15.

SAPFM is your organization. We hope you will consider ways you can be of service by committing time and sharing your expertise.