William Bundschuh

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Description:  This is a piece of furniture that I have wanted to build for over 15 years.  In 2008, I first saw a photo of the casework online at the Yale University Art Gallery and I downloaded the image for future reference.  As the years passed and my skills as a wood worker improved, I started making my own design drawings of this project in AutoCAD.  I planned my project to closely replicate the picture both in size and appearance.  I modified the original design by using a carved drawer image from another piece of casework that I preferred.

This project was truly a challenge and I learned many aspects of advanced wood working techniques including improving my ability to perform relief and overlay carving.  The entire case is made from just two pieces of mahogany, a piece of 5/4 and a piece of 12/4 wood.  This was my first project with mahogany and I truly enjoyed working with it and the results that it can yield.  I would also like to thank Tony Kubalak for answering a carving question that I had very early in the project.  The hardware is from Ball & Ball Hardware Reproductions.