2005: Phil Lowe

As a young man, Phil Lowe took a shine to woodworking, and through the years his interest evolved into a passion. In 1972 he entered the furniture making program at North Bennett Street School in Boston, subsequently becoming an instructor from 1975 to 1980, and department head from 1980 to 1985. In 1986, he left NBSS to devote his energies to the full-time operation of his furniture making business. The business is still in operation today, serving primarily as an educational tool for his furniture-making school, the Furniture Institute of Massachusetts.
Phil also appears as a visiting instructor, seminar speaker and demonstrator at various schools throughout the United States and Canada. He is the author of many Fine Woodworking articles and a long-time contributing editor. Phil is featured in the Time-Life series on woodworking and in several Taunton Press videos, including Measuring Furniture for Reproduction. He is the recipient of the 2010 Artisanship Award by the Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America.
Furniture in the SAPFM Gallery