Each year the SAPFM Cartouche Selection Committee identifies a candidate that exemplifies the qualities of a craftsman that has demonstrated a lifetime excellence in furniture making.

The process is often driven by friends and family of the potential candidates.  Many of our award recipients are often feel they do not live up to the level of skills of previous recipients. It makes it all that more important for our members identify and to make recommendations about potential candidates. 

If you feel you know someone who should be considered then contact our Cartouche Nominating Committee lead, Ken Johnson, so that he may contact the individual and encourage them to consider submitting an application.  Steve and I do not prepare submissions but can answer questions about the process.

While there are no specific criteria for the type work or the full range of skills or experience that is required, SAPFM does have suggested guidelines that the Cartouche Selection Committee may consider.  It is intended to provide a general idea of some of the traits a qualified candidate may possess.  It is highly unlikely that any given candidate will excel in all of these areas:

  • The Nominee does NOT have to be a SAPFM member.
  • Nominees should have a “Lifetime” of excellence in building period furniture with a large body of work.
  • The award should be presented to a “maker(s)” of period furniture. Recipients of an individual award may include two individuals although only one cartouche listing and one trophy will be given.
  • Nominees should have a body of work which demonstrates excellence in the craft of furniture making.
  • Nominees should have demonstrated excellence in the skills associated with period furniture construction.
  • Nominees should support and be committed to SAPFM ideals, goals and objectives as demonstrated through service to others in the field of furniture making. Examples of service might include mentoring, teaching, writing and other ways to bring greater awareness and advancement of the craft
  • Submissions are accepted from July 15 until end of day September 2. Submissions must be in our hands no later than end of day September 2.
  • Those who have submitted their material the previous year may carry forward that application to the current year by simply sending a letter requesting that the previous material be considered for the coming nomination process.
  • Institutions may not be nominated for the Cartouche Award.

Many of our previous Cartouche award recipients have said they do not consider they are worthy of the award.  We are sure many of us know some very skilled friends inside and outside SAPFM that exhibit many of the same skills, experience, and quality of work of our previous awards recipients.   We encourage you to consider bringing those names forward for consideration.  If you are unsure or would like to get feedback, please contact Steve Latta ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  )  or Ken Johnson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).

The guidelines for submission are on the web site under the Cartouche Award.( https://sapfm.org/about-sapfm/cartouche-award/cartouche-award-guidelines )   Applications are accepted from July 15 until end of business September 1 (assuming that is not a holiday).

Ken Johnson

SAPFM Cartouche Committee Coordinator