American Period Furniture 2013

Sleuthing the Origins of a Southern China Press Jerome Bias
The Perception of Scale Jeff Justis
New Approach to an Old Technique Jim Moon
Hartford Cabinetmakers in the Federal Period Alyce Englund
Decoding Smith's Key Matt Cianci
The Hunt for Patriotic Banding Michael P. Wheeler
Sculptural Shaping of Furniture: Geometry is Your Friend Will Neptune
Will Neptune Carves His Name Among SAPFM Notables Mickey Callahan
The Nathan Margolis Shop's Last Apprentice Nick Kotula
Classic Shaving Mirror Reflects English Influence Ron Young
Dressing Up a Demilune Table Jay Stallman
From a Log to a Windsor Settee Jim Rendi
How to Build a Corner Cupboard With a Pedigree Bob Compton
On the Trail of Secret Formulas for 18th-century Finishes Marion Smith
Techniques and Materials: Getting Upholstery Right Michael Mascelli