Winterthur Traveling Exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art

David Conley

Well-known member

Jim Crammond is coordinating this meeting.  Please contact him if you are interested in this meeting/tour.  The following is posted under the Great Lakes Chapter  - Cheers, David

"The subject of a SAPFM group tour of the "Collecting At Winterthur" exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art has been discussed at both the Ohio River Valley Chapter and the Great Lakes Chapter meetings and it was felt that this would be a good opportunity for a joint meeting between those chapters, the Indiana chapter and anyone else interested.  The exhibition runs from May 24, 2008 to September 7, 2008.  I have volunteered to help coordinate the tours with the Museum.

I have contacted the tour scheduler at TMA and picked the date of Saturday, August 23 for the tour.  Brooke Smith has also contacted the TMA and is helping to coordinate a second tour of the highlights of the Museum's permanent furniture collection.  Each of these tours is projected to be about an hour in length.  So one tour will be from 10:30 to 11:30, we will break for lunch and the second tour will be from 1:00 to 2:00.  Admission to the museum and the Winterthur exhibition is free, but there will be a small charge for the tour to cover the costs of the docent conducting the tour.  The Museum would like a tentative head count by July 23 in order to insure that they will have docents available. 

I would also like some feedback concerning additional activities to fill out the schedule if a 2 day meeting is desired.  The tours at the Toledo Museum of Art would fill up most of Saturday, would we like to continue the meeting Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning?  If so, I will have to arrange a venue."

by Jim Crammond
Hey Guys,

As of right now,we have 35 people who have said that they are going to attend the tours of the furniture exhibits at the Toledo Museum of Art.  If you wish to attend and haven't replied, or are now unable to make it, please let me know.  I'd like to confirm the number of attendees with the Museum by Friday, July 18th.
