Virginia's Fall SAPFM meeting

Joe Lambert

Active member
The Fall meeting of the Va. SAPFM group will meet at Montpelier home of James and Dolley Madison on Saturday October 16th. Montpelier opens at 09 AM and we will register from opening until 10 AM when we will begin . Dave Heller will present star burst patterns on round and elliptical tables. Ron Tatman will present his work on an 18th century tilt top table. Fred Wilbur has also agreed to provide a display of carved molding he presented at the Mid Year conference in Pennsylvania. The classroom which will be provided will accommodate 40 members. We invite anyone from any state who plans to be in the area or would like to attend to contact Joe Lambert @ [email protected] . At the time of registration with me,(Joe Lambert) there will be a $9.00 charge to cover the cost for the use of the classroom and refreshments. Each person will be charged at entrance to Montpelier, $16.00. Please let me know if you are interested in lunch being provided. You may also bring your lunch. Since Montpelier is located in the country all refreshment and food is provided by an outside vendor. There will be an a la carte selection but no guarantee of availability or quantity. At present other than there willingness to provide is all the information I have but that will also need to be paid for two weeks before we attend so I will need to collect that as well.