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Well-known member
.  If you purchase a lathe, you can use it for sharpening, and you can use it as a lathe.
I'm not going to demonstrate how to use the disk in this tutorial - it's best learned from a hands on demonstration.  What this tutorial is about is how to make the disk.
This is written in the forum response box. Twelve point times new roman.
This is pasted from a word document. Twelve point times new roman.

This is pasted from a word document. Twelve point times new roman. then bolded in forum editor.

This is pasted from a word document. Twelve point times new roman. then changed to maroon.

Written in the forum editor
Written in the forum editor and changed to 14 point arial This is pasted from a word document. Twelve point times new roman.
written again in the forum editor.written in times new roman twelve point The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog pasted from word
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog changed font, size, and color

This is a test of the forum editor and how it retains formatting
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog