If you are interested in participating in the SAPFM chapter either in a planning capacity or in the form of a presentation at a future meeting, please identify yourself. You can drop me a private message or just indicate your willingness on this forum.
Initially we need a small group to get together and plan for a future meeting. Answers needed are where to have the meeting. What costs would be encountered. Should the Carolina chapters be combined based on the number interested in participating.
Potential presentations. And I am sure a number of other items need to be discussed.
David Turner
North Raleigh
Initially we need a small group to get together and plan for a future meeting. Answers needed are where to have the meeting. What costs would be encountered. Should the Carolina chapters be combined based on the number interested in participating.
Potential presentations. And I am sure a number of other items need to be discussed.
David Turner
North Raleigh