Proper terms and Order of them


New member
Hello all,

Is there an official order to how one should list the dimensions of case pieces?  Also, what are the proper terms for these dimensions?  To clarify, I mean when looking at a chest of drawers, a desk, an armoire, etc., how should one list it's dimensions, and what are the proper terms for identifying those dimensions?  I think the distance from the floor to the top of the piece is it's height, correct?  What is the term for the distance from the left to right of the piece... width, length, etc.?  What is the term for the distance from front to back... depth, width, etc.?  What is the proper order for listing these dimensions?  For instance, a board is listed thickness, width, and length in that order, correct?  How should furniture be listed?

I've tried to find "official" answers to these questions, but despite consulting numerous texts, articles, and websites, I have yet to find consistent answers.  Some label things one way while others label things a different way, and the terms don't seem to be consistent either.  Is there a standard convention to these?

Thanks for the help and education.
You are correct for all. A case piece is depth, width, height. A dining table is width, length, height. Although I have seen many articles interchanging width and depth. It does not matter which dim you list first just label it: d, w, l, h or ht. If you don't label the dim, like I have seen in some books, it can be hard to determine d, w or ht., especially if it is a small item.

Dennis Bork
Antiquity Period Designs, Ltd.