PATINA HAND Tool Sale/Auction- Damascus MD


Well-known member
Well its time for the annual Patina Tool sale! You might have gone to Atlanta and bought some high powered, noisy, dust spewing, finger mangling tools that can crank out thousands of joints an hour. Perhaps you were lured by those band saws that can cut 36 inch diameters, or table saws with the latest yet optional safety features that just adds a few hundred extra $. But if you want a more relaxing and safer woodworking hobby, you should attend the Annual Patina Sale Saturday March 13. Outside Tailgaters, Indoor Dealers, and the Auction will provide ample opportunity to buy hand Planes, Routers, Drills, files, saws, and even frame saws capable of cutting over 60 inch diameters if you really need to. Some power tools, lumber, workbenches, machinists tools, blacksmith tools, leatherwork, and much more usually shows up for sale in the parking lot. Come early. This event is one of the best antique tools shows, particularly for tool users.

Details posted at

I will be selling hand tools inside. Look me up and say hello.

John- Thanks for the info on the Patina sale. I'll try to slip over at lunch hour to have a look-Al
Al, just send me an order. I'll pick out the best and send it up your way. I'm sure it would be put to good use. On the other hand, I expect to see most of the guys from the Newport Secretary class. Its been 10 years. Come on down. We should have a reunion!
I am reposting last years announcement of the Annual Patina Tool Sale. It is this Saturday March 19, 2011. Last year was a rainout so a lot of guys might be bringing twice as much stuff.

Details posted at

I will be selling hand tools inside and bargain hunting all over. Look me up and say hello.

The largest Antique Tool swap, sale, and auction in the MID-Atlantic is this Saturday, March 16, 2013, in Damascus Maryland. There are 50 tool dealers indoors and there is often another 50 tailgating outside. Indoor dealers include a few professional tool dealers but the majority are club members. Tailgating is always interesting with stuff fresh from the barn, Grandads basement, machine shops, or box lots from auction goers. The event caters to tool users. Free Tailgating starts before sunrise. Early birds pay a fee to enter the indoor sale at the side door at 8 AM. There is no charge to access tailgating or to enter the dealer sale starting at 9AM. See directions and info at

I will be inside where its warm so stop by and say hello. John Davis

P.S. PATINA looses money on this event every year so come, join for $12/year, get the newsletter and attend some fantasic meetings throughout the year in Northern VA.
