Old Sturbridge Village or Historic Deerfield?


Active member
I have about 7 hours to burn on Tuesday. I'm staying right at the Bradley airport in Connecticut. Old Sturbridge Village and Historic Deerfield are about equidistant. So, I was wondering which is a better place to visit for someone who's into period furniture? Is there anything I should be sure not to miss? Is there anything else nearby I should be going to instead?

Those are both fine choices. Even closer to where you will be staying is the Connecticut Historical Society. They have a great collection, and starting next March they will be hosting an exhibit of SAPFM members' work. The Wadsworth Atheneum is also nearby. They have great period furniture, including stuff from Eliphalet Chapin, and the Wallace Nutting collection. They may also still be doing renovations, so check and see what's open before you go.
Hi Mark,

Of the two, my choice would be Deerfield. I agree that the CT Historical Society in Hartford is also a good choice as well as the Hill-Stead Museum in Farmington which is off I-84 just west of Hartford . Have fun.

I don't think you'll be disappointed in either. But of the two I would pick Deerfield.
Deerfield has a lot of higher style Chippendale stuff in general, and Old Sturbridge Village is more oriented to the 19th century (1826, to be specific).  OSV does have a very good collection of clocks, which I would recommend, but on balance, Deerfield has the advantage in regard to furniture in my opinion.  Like the others said, both CHS and the Wadsworth have excellent collections, though the CHS collection is all in storage, and I would recommend making prior arrangements with Rich Malley if you are interested in taking a look. 