I'm thinking of making a Massachusetts shelf clock. I started looking around ebay for weight driven movements that would work, but I'm not sure which would work.
Has anyone used OG clock style movements (time and strike)? Would it be "OK" to use a spring driven movement? even then it is hard to find a weight driven movement with the pendulum/weight in the rear..A banjo type movement seems to have too long of a drop/length pendulum (plus the pendulum is in the front of the movement).......Modify the plans to fit a movement?.......Any thoughts/suggestions?....
Has anyone used OG clock style movements (time and strike)? Would it be "OK" to use a spring driven movement? even then it is hard to find a weight driven movement with the pendulum/weight in the rear..A banjo type movement seems to have too long of a drop/length pendulum (plus the pendulum is in the front of the movement).......Modify the plans to fit a movement?.......Any thoughts/suggestions?....