MESDA furniture plans


Some 30years ago,I was in MESDA Gift shop, they had a collection of woodworking plans by Carlyle Lynch of pieces in the Museum. I bought several plans. I am trying to locate the plans for John Marshall's Desk. I have tried to call the gift shop. Does it still exis,do they still have woodworking plans of pieces in the museum?

Garrett Wade has plans for the Knee-Hole desk in MESDA drawn by Carlyle Lynch. I found the plans for John Marshal's desk listen a previous reply. This is not the same plans that I once had. Plans from MESDA will say Courtesy of the Museum of Southern Decorative Antiques Winston Salem North Carolina. I called Mesda and Jane said they no longer have the individual plans, all have been sold. They do have a book store. Are any of you familiar with books in the book store  that have drawings of pieces of furniture at the museum?