Mark Maleski
Hello fellow SAPFM members! We're pleased to invite you to our first virtual Chesapeake chapter meeting which will occur on Thursday, 2 July 2020 @ 8:00 pm (eastern) via Zoom. Our agenda is subject to change, but we're anticipating the following topics over a 1.5 hour meeting duration:
- Build of a Seymore-inspired work table [/size]with turned legs and serpentine sides and drawers;
- Build of a Chippendale-style tea caddy, as taught in a recent class at Olde Mill Cabinet Shoppe;
- Build of a Chester County (PA) tall chest;
- Carving trifid feet for a dressing table build.
These topics are not yet confirmed, and we may need to substitute topics as we gather confirmations. We had a vigorous response to our recent poll/call for topics, so have no doubt about having a full agenda for this first meeting and anticipate a series of recurring Zoom meetings to take advantage of this enthusiasm. If you've volunteered a topic and don't see it listed above, know that we'll be in touch soon to sequence you in.
To join the call, you must send a request to [email protected] with a request to participate. Upon receipt, we will verify your SAPFM membership and then add you to the meeting attendee roster, at which point you'll receive an automated invitation from Zoom with the link to join the call and password (please give us at least a day to add you to the Zoom attendee roster). If you haven't participated in a Zoom call before, you can click the link upon receipt to verify your system is compatible. We can have up to 100 participants on the call, so I don't anticipate turning anyone away.
Mark Maleski
- Build of a Seymore-inspired work table [/size]with turned legs and serpentine sides and drawers;
- Build of a Chippendale-style tea caddy, as taught in a recent class at Olde Mill Cabinet Shoppe;
- Build of a Chester County (PA) tall chest;
- Carving trifid feet for a dressing table build.
These topics are not yet confirmed, and we may need to substitute topics as we gather confirmations. We had a vigorous response to our recent poll/call for topics, so have no doubt about having a full agenda for this first meeting and anticipate a series of recurring Zoom meetings to take advantage of this enthusiasm. If you've volunteered a topic and don't see it listed above, know that we'll be in touch soon to sequence you in.
To join the call, you must send a request to [email protected] with a request to participate. Upon receipt, we will verify your SAPFM membership and then add you to the meeting attendee roster, at which point you'll receive an automated invitation from Zoom with the link to join the call and password (please give us at least a day to add you to the Zoom attendee roster). If you haven't participated in a Zoom call before, you can click the link upon receipt to verify your system is compatible. We can have up to 100 participants on the call, so I don't anticipate turning anyone away.
Mark Maleski