Email Notification Tutorial -- Refer to the images below for additional help. You must be logged in to see them.
If you would like to receive email notification of new topics to boards and new replies to topics, verify that you have registered and are logged-in, then do the following.
1. Select 'Profile' and then 'Notifications and Email' under the 'Modify Profile' menu.
2. Review your settings. If you would like to receive email notification for every reply to a new topic, de-select the first option that says "Receive reply notification only for the first unread reply." Otherwise, you will only get an email message the first time someone replies to the post. Instead select the second option, 'Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic'. If you want to receive full-text replies in emails you can also select the third option, 'When sending notification of a reply to a topic send the post in the email'. See fig.1 below.
3. Save your settings.
4. You now have to tell the forum which boards and topics you want to be notified about, so verify the following:
To tell the forum that you want to be notified anytime a new topic is posted to a board, go to the index of the board and click the '!Notify' button. You will see a message that says 'Are you sure you wish to enable notification of new topics to this board?' Conversely, if you have already selected notify, you will get a message asking if you wish to disable notification.
To tell the forum that you want to be notified of replies to a topic, you must select the notify button the first time you read the topic. See fig. 2 below.
Please contact me if you have questions.
[email protected]
If you would like to receive email notification of new topics to boards and new replies to topics, verify that you have registered and are logged-in, then do the following.
1. Select 'Profile' and then 'Notifications and Email' under the 'Modify Profile' menu.
2. Review your settings. If you would like to receive email notification for every reply to a new topic, de-select the first option that says "Receive reply notification only for the first unread reply." Otherwise, you will only get an email message the first time someone replies to the post. Instead select the second option, 'Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic'. If you want to receive full-text replies in emails you can also select the third option, 'When sending notification of a reply to a topic send the post in the email'. See fig.1 below.
3. Save your settings.
4. You now have to tell the forum which boards and topics you want to be notified about, so verify the following:
To tell the forum that you want to be notified anytime a new topic is posted to a board, go to the index of the board and click the '!Notify' button. You will see a message that says 'Are you sure you wish to enable notification of new topics to this board?' Conversely, if you have already selected notify, you will get a message asking if you wish to disable notification.
To tell the forum that you want to be notified of replies to a topic, you must select the notify button the first time you read the topic. See fig. 2 below.
Please contact me if you have questions.
[email protected]