Help Identifying Furniture supposedly from Henry Ford-First Photo


Well-known member
I received a request from a chap "down under" about the two attached pieces.  He was trying to determine if they were American. 

They were owned by William B Mayo and then 'willed' to his friend (his grandson) on his death. Mayo was a friend and the chief power engineer for Henry Ford.

The desk is supposedly Honduras mahogany. He is not sure about the chair although he says the beadwork does look to be hand carved. Any ideas on period/age/wood and maybe even value(?) would be very very much appreciated.

I have asked him for more photos of joint details, secondary wood, etc but the pieces are a 2 hour drive away, so some time before he gets them.

I am simply trying to offer assistance to this chap, and any you can offer will be appreciated by me and him.



Photo of chair in second post


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