Gulf States Chapter 2023 Kickoff Meeting - Bring a Jig Day

Added to Calendar: 01-21-23


New member
Happy New Year!

I wish you all well as we roll into another year. The SAPFM Gulf States Chapter will have our first meeting of 2023 in few weeks. I know this is somewhat short notice but appreciate all that can attend. The steering committee for our chapter met last month and starting planning for activities to bring our membership together and get engaged and connected and we look forward to bringing more activities to the chapter over the coming months!


“Bring-a-Jig” Meetup

When: Saturday January 21, 2023, 9 am

Where: Bruce Thornton’s Shop, 3600 Pelham Dr, Mobile, AL 36619 (Thanks Bruce!)

Coffee/Snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring any jigs you would like to share and show. They can be for tool holding, joinery, work holding, mini-benches, etc. The main point is to gather and discuss how we are building!

Please RSVP to Jason Gatewood, [email protected] or 210-861-3893 by Jan 16

Also, we are currently working on a Spring meetup in March/April timeframe. Announcement for that event is forthcoming.

Best Regards,
Jason Gatewood
Chapter Lead – Gulf States SAPFM

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Thanks for posting this Jason. I received a request from the fort to meet in the next few weeks and start planning spring activities & classes.