Fall 2010 meeting in St. Louis


Active member
Well it's almost August and I've been moving slower than a hound dog in the shade.  Lucky for me (and all of you as well) the same can't be said about Wayne Watson.  He's been busy the past few months putting together the SAPFM Gateway Chapter fall regional meeting (I get tired just saying it!)  

Those of you who attended the spring meeting, hosted by Cal Hobbes earlier this year in Kansas City, will have high expectations.  Luckily, Wayne, who is a director of the St. Louis Woodworkers Guild, member of the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association and volunteer in a number of other woodworking groups and activities (you can do that when you're retired) has been calling on his connections to put together a great event.  The great thing about SAPFM is that it draws upon both the history and the how-to.  The Fall event promises some of both.  

The itinerary is still in the works but do yourself a favor and clear your calendar to join us on Saturday, Sept. 18, here in St. Louis for a day full of thrills, chills and spills--oh yeah and maybe some period furniture stuff too!

Be sure to watch your email and keep your eyes on the Gateway Chapter Forum and the SAPFM homepage for news and updates.

Attendance is by registration, so please RSVP ASAP! ([email protected]).

Hope to see you there!
