Jeff Wrote "Please lay out whatever rags you use to dry individually. IF YOU WOULD BALL THEM UP THEY WILL SPONTANIOSULY COMBUST!!! "
Is this correct? I know that oil finishes dry through an exothermic reaction that may release enough heat to ignite rags, but I don't believe this is a hazard with shellac. The hazard with shellac (and with lacquer as well) are that the vehicle in which the shellac is dissolved (ethanol) is quite flammable. I can't find (after a quick Google-search) anything about the flammability of the shellac resin. I know lacquer resins can be quite flammable so we need to take cautions when spraying lacquers, but I don't know whether the same cautions are required for shellac. I think brushing or padding either is pretty safe.
I don't know a lot about wood finishes, but from my chemical engineering education I understand a little about chemical hazards. I think it's important to take appropriate precautions, but I don't think we should worry about things that aren't a hazard (i.e. shellac rags).