Bob Van Dyke
Learn to Carve a Concave Newport Shell and a Block Front Drawer Front with Al Breed
Some of the most iconic furniture made in the colonies was done in Newport, Rhode Island. Major elements of these pieces are the blocking and convex and concave shells on the doors and draws. In this class we’ll do the concave shell and blocking of a Newport draw front. This will involve the layout and carving of the concave center shell as well as the process involved in doing a blocked section of the front.
The work will be sized so that you may use it as part of a chest, should you decide to make one.
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials
Section 030318A: Saturday & Sunday, March 3 & 4, 9:00am—5:00pm
Some of the most iconic furniture made in the colonies was done in Newport, Rhode Island. Major elements of these pieces are the blocking and convex and concave shells on the doors and draws. In this class we’ll do the concave shell and blocking of a Newport draw front. This will involve the layout and carving of the concave center shell as well as the process involved in doing a blocked section of the front.
The work will be sized so that you may use it as part of a chest, should you decide to make one.
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials
Section 030318A: Saturday & Sunday, March 3 & 4, 9:00am—5:00pm