Well, specifically, the ends of the reeds. I have carved some reeds on a couple of pieces using scratch stocks. This weekend, I was playing around making a reeded shaft for a flag. Ok, it is a pirate flag for my shop - too many pirate movies and tv shows lately! Anyway, I was using it as a practice excercise. The reeds terminate against a flat detail. I hacked away at it, but wasn't happy with the results. Any tips on completing the ends of reeds that termintate into a surface (like a bead or something similar on a turning)? Probably dind't help that these were tiny and everything I tried was realy inappropriately large for the task, but I was just playing and working fast. The other reeds I have done were made long and then cut to size, so the ends didn't matter. I like reeds a lot and want to get better making them. My next big project (I'm a weekend warrior) is a jewelry chest on legs (still in design stage) that will have reeds so I want to get some practice in.