Announcing Date for Fall Chapter Meeting

Mark Maleski

Greetings SAPFM Members!  Charlie and I are busily preparing for our next chapter meeting, and have tentatively scheduled it for Saturday, 2 November at Maryland Historical Society (MDHS) Museum (201 West Monument St., Baltimore, Maryland 21201-4674).  We scouted the museum during our chapter demo at their Colonial Market Days this past summer; the furniture collection includes  900 pieces of furniture: including 400 pieces of veneered and painted furniture from the early 19th century, the “Golden Age” of Baltimore furniture production.  During our visit, MDHS' VP of Collections will lead us on a custom tour featuring the aspects that are unique (or merely typical) of Maryland furniture, such as bellflower design on Federal-style inlay, or the incised carving on a dressing-table's skirt.

In addition to the museum tour, we'll have our usual chapter meeting activities such as member show-and-tell and a demo or two from our chapter members.  I'll plan to complete my demo on carving a trifid foot, and we have time for at least one other member demo (TBD).  Please consider what recently completed (or in-process) project that you’d like to present for show-and-tell.  This is a great opportunity to show what you’ve built and share what you’ve learned.  These session often prompt meaningful discussions on sources (materials, plans) and methods, so please contribute with a project if you’re able. 

We'll send a follow-up email as soon as details are finalized to officially open registration for the meeting.  If you're ready to sign up already, you can let us know and we'll keep track (email us at [email protected]).  It'll be a day not to be missed, and we hope to see you all there!

Your Chapter Leads,
Mark Maleski and Charlie Driggs
Update: plans have fallen through at MDHS...we're changing date and venue.  Our meeting will instead be held on Saturday 23 November at Historic London Town.  Details will be posted in new thread shortly.