Allan Breed Carving Class Opportunity


Well-known member
Allan Breed Carving Class: The Washington Woodworkers Guild has received a kind donation of a position in one of Allan Breeds Carving Classes. The Guild plans to auction the slot this Tuesday evening 12/18/07 during its year end celebration. Local woodworkers are welcome to attend. Meeting details at

Anyone can bid by sending an email bid to Stu Crick ([email protected]) until Tuesday at 3pm EST, 12/18/07.
Allan Breed has graciously allowed the recipient to select from two of his very popular classes. See his website for course description and required tool list.

a)  Introduction to Carving (May 5-9, 08)
b)  Newport Carving (June 23-27, 08)

Note the dates above are firm. Class tuition value is $900.00 (2007 prices). Bidding starts at $150.  Winner provides own tools, hotel, transportation, etc.