2010 Carolinas Fall meeting, Hertford/Windsor, NC


Well-known member
In the spirit of sharing I have posted some pictures on Picasa(link below)from the fall meeting at Ben Hobbs shop. Ben is very generous with his knowledge and a gracious host, with the help of his wife and staff, we enjoyed two great meals in addition to being educated on some great southern and period furniture. Ben had a full schedule planned out for us. Even with the vast amount of information presented by Ben, Matt and Tom Sears we were never bored. Ben is fast paced, but though, often laced with humor, stopping often to answer any and all questions. The informal atmosphere generated many enlightening discussions. It's often thought provoking to hear difference approaches to planning and construction methods, than you use yourself. I especially enjoy Ben's no nonsense approach to construction.

About half of the pictures are taken at historic Hope Plantation in Windsor, NC where we met on Sunday morning. We began with a very interesting lecture from Matt Hobbs and the curator at Hope, followed by lunch and culminating with a private tour of the Hope and King-Bazemore homes. As you will no doubt surmise I am not a professional photographer. In retrospect I should have taken more, so as to be able to cull some.

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/116245435122691139685/CarolinasFallSAPFMWorkshop?authkey=Gv1sRgCLDJodvM5Nb-lQE&feat=directlink">Carolinas SAPFM Fall meeting pictures</a>

Again I want to thank Ben, Matt Hobbs and Tom Sears for a very enjoyable weekend, Tony Joyce