Voting is OPEN for Executive Council


Well-known member
Members of SAPFM can now vote for the executive councils members up for election.

Details of the process and candidate information can be found by linking on the home page.

You will be required to login to your member id.  Your member ID is your email address.  The password is the same as previously used.

Ken Johnson
Neither of my email addresses is accepted. What do I do now?
BTW, I can no longer access any of the member areas.
Mike Holden
Chapter Leader for Great Lakes Chapter
Michael, I believe the problem is that your email of record does not actually exist.  There is an extra "t" at the end of your name just prior to the

Let me if that does not work.


I think I need professional help - from the IT dept.
I logged on and voted, using the additional "t".
However, when I went to change the email address, it requested my password, the one I used to logon with is not considered valid for changing the email address !?
Something is awry, and I think I need some IT help to resolve it.
Thanks, Mike
Some people are having problems and most relate to their zip code.  The password for the voting is based on the zip code as it appears in the member record.  So if there is 5 digits that is what you use.  But if it is the 9 digit version that is what you use.

In addition to that, there is an extra complication for those in the Northeast.  If your member record has a 5 digit zip code with a leading zero, you only use the 4 non-zero code.  That is because excel suppresses leading zeros for numbers.

But if you have a leading zero and your zip code in the member record is 9 digits with the hyphen, then excel treats it as a character string and not a number.  And in that case, you include the leading zero.

Sorry for all the drama, but we are used to wood planes and hand chisels and this tech stuff is killing us.

Below is the instructions you will see on the site when you go to vote.

Also, posted else where, is the SAPFM member login process.  We now use the email address not your "user name" you may have used in the past.

Ken Johnson


IMPORTANT: To Login you will need your last name and zip code AS IT APPEARS in the member database , not necessarily the 5 primary digits.. 

If your zip code has the 4 digit extension, enter it with a hyphen ( - ) between the 5 and 4 digits. (example 05550-1234 would be entered as 05550-1234).

If you zip code has a leading zero and no 4 digit extension, do not enter the leading zero (example zip code 012345 would be entered as 12345)

If you are from Chicago, you can vote as often as you like.

Otherwise just once, but you can vote for up to three people (the number of open positions)
considering we only have about 1300 members if you voted 5000 times I am pretty sure I would know something funny was going on.... (maybe try something a little more conservative- say in the 250 times range .....)
I was able to log in and cast my three votes. Good luck to all the candidates.

/As a former professional political campaign staffer, I am resisting the urge to engage in electioneering on the behalf of the highest bidder... :)
OK,  I am logged in and see the ballot. 

But, I cannot find anybody's resume/campaign platform.

Where do I find that information?

Last night when I clicked to vote, I only got a ballot with the candidates’ names.  But I could not find their resumes. 

The problem maybe because I login once before to see the resumes.  But I didn’t have time to vote at that time.  Fortunately, I did print out the resumes.  Maybe, you get one shot to see the resumes and then vote.  By logging in a second time, it skipped the resumes and went straight to the ballot.     

I was able to cast my vote, but I am worried about others. 

The bio information is not on the voting web site.  When you originally clicked on the voting from either the email or on the main page, it takes you to the member page where the bio is present.  From there you go to voting and login in there.  It only has the ballot.

The voting site does not have any bio material.  I know because I set it up and was disappointed there was no way to put the bio on the actual ballot site.