VA Fall Chapter Weekend - 26 - 28 October 2012 - Fredericksburg, VA

Registration is open for The Fall Virginia Chapter Meeting.

Space is limited to the first 35 to register and pay.

The meeting will be in Fredericksburg, Virginia, considered by some as the most historic town in America, on Saturday, 27 October 2012 with optional activities on 28 October.  Early arrivals on Friday, 26 October are welcome.  Lodging suggestions are at the end of this invitation.

Please pay for Saturday activities using PayPal (make payments of $65 to PayPal account [email protected], select ?personal? and ?other.?  Add $15 if your spouse plans to join us for lunch.  PayPal is preferred, but you may also send checks or money orders to:
Steve Dietrich
211 Sovereign Natalie Walk
Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Please RSVP and send any questions to Steve Dietrich at [email protected].  Please let Steve know:
? If you plan to join us for Dinner on Friday
? If you plan to join us for Dinner on Saturday
? What optional activities you are interested in on Sunday and what time you need to leave Fredericksburg


Friday, 26 October
7:00 PM ? Optional group dinner ? restaurant TBD

Saturday, 27 October
8:30 - 9:00 - Arrive Fredericksburg Area Museum (the Museum has several choice pieces by Fredericksburg craftsmen Robert Walker, Thomas Miller, Robert Cockburn, and a rare clock by Thomas Walker).  The museum is home to the famous ?Lodge Chair? by Thomas Miller, formerly misattributed to a Williamsburg craftsman.
9:00 - 9:15 ? Joe Lambert - Chapter business
9:15 ? 10:00 - Steve Dietrich - Overview of Fredericksburg, Saturday?s schedule, and optional activities for Sunday.  Also, presentation of a chair made by Steve with Cartouche winner, Ben Hobbs. The chair is based on a chair made by Thomas Miller on Caroline Street in Fredericksburg in the 1770s.  We will be able to compare it to a Miller original.
10:00 ? 11:15 ? William Duffield ? demonstration of his shop-made portable workbench and auxiliary holding vises
11:15-11:30 ?  Break
11:30-12:30 ? Tara Chicirda, Williamsburg curator will discuss 18th Century Fredericksburg furniture makers based on her groundbreaking article on Fredericksburg area furniture makers in the 2006 ?American Furniture?
12:30-12:45 ? Walk to Castiglia?s Italian restaurant
12:45-1:45 ? Lunch at Castiglia's
1:45-2:00 ? Walk back to Museum
2:00-3:00 ? Tour Frederiksburg Area Museum with President Emeritus Edwin Watson
3:00 - 3:30 ? Walk to Kenmore, home of George Washington?s sister and her husband, Fielding Lewis
3:30 - 5:00 ? Tour Kenmore with an expert on the home and collection
6:00 (or TBD) ? Optional group dinner

Sunday, 28 October
Optional activities, at additional cost, may include a group brunch, a tour of the Mary Washington house (George?s mother) which is chock full of nice period furniture some pieces which may be from sets that are at Mt. Vernon.  James Monroe museum has furniture that he used in office and pieces of sets that are still in the White House.  These tours would be finished by about 3:00.

All activities will be in Old Town Fredericksburg which retains its old fashioned charm.  It is home to many historic sites from the 18th and 19th centuries and factored significantly into both the War of American Independence and the War Between the States as the site of two major battles, including Lee?s greatest victory.

Old Town Fredericksburg is full of antique shops and other unique stores, pubs, and restaurants.  Old Town is surrounded by modern shopping centers, hotels, theaters, and restaurants.  It is truly a destination.

Wives are encouraged to accompany.  Barb Dietrich will provide shopping and dining suggestions to those who sign up.

Lodging in Old Town Fredericksburg:
The Richard Johnson Inn and Kenmore Inn are historic inns in Old Town in walking distance to all activities.
Inn at The Olde Silk Mill, a drive of about 1 mile, is furnished in historic fashion.
Courtyard by Marriott is also a manageable walk to all activities.
Lodging within a 5 to 10 minute drive from Old Town is abundant and offers a full range from affordable motels to luxury suites.

Clarification on activity pricing for the 2012 Fall VA SAPFM Chaper Meeting in Fredericksburg, VA:

FRIDAY, 26 October:

Friday dinner is no host.  Steve will make reservations for all who have RSVPed by 1 October.

SATURDAY, 27 October:

To attend all events on Saturday, including lunch, is $65 per individual ($130 per couple).
This includes morning bagels and coffee, all morning sessions, lunch, and the afternoon tours of the Fredericksburg Area Museum and Kenmore.
    *  If a spouse wishes to join us only for lunch on Saturday, add $15.
    *  If a spouse wishes to join us only for the Kenmore tour on Saturday afternoon, add $8.
    *  If a spouse wishes to join us for both lunch and the Kenmore tour, add $23.
    *  Fredericksburg museum tour is included in the $65 fee  If fewer than 35 persons pay the $65 fee,we may allow spouses who do not pay the $65 fee to participate in the tour for free until we reach capacity based on the order in which the SAPFM member RSPed.
    *  Saturday dinner is no host.  Steve will make reservations for all who have RSVPed by 1 October.

SUNDAY, 28 October:
    *  Sunday brunch is no host.  Steve will make reservations for all who have RSVPed by 1 October.
    *  Mary Washington House - opens at noon and has a separate fee.  Based on how many express an interest in this tour by 1 October, Steve will attempt to arrange an earlier tour and special pricing.
    *  James Monroe House - also opens at noon and has a separate fee.    Based on how many express an interest in this tour by 1 October, Steve will attempt to arrange an earlier tour and special pricing.
    *  All SUNDAY activities are expected to conclude no later than 3:30.

Please pay for Saturday activities using PayPal (make payments to PayPal account [email protected], select ?personal? and ?other.?

PayPal is preferred, but you may also send checks or money orders to:
        Steve Dietrich
        211 Sovereign Natalie Walk
        Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Please RSVP and send any questions to Steve Dietrich at [email protected].  Please let Steve know which activities you and your spouse plan to attend.
