Townsend 3 shell blockfront chest of 4 drawers

I have wanted to build for myself the Townsend 4 drawer blockfront chest for a long time.  Just love the proportions of the piece.  I have been unable to find plans for this chest and have started to draw them up myself with the help of pictures from the Met.  I think I have the proportions OK for the outside and the drawers, and along with the casts that I bought from Al Breed for the shells, should be good to go.  But, I am not sure of the depth of the Blockfront on the drawers.  If anyone has the depth of the blockfront, I would be very appreciative.
Larry Bilderback
Larry- We're building one in the shop right now. Blocking is 9/16 proud and deep for the concave section. My measurements are from an original.-Al
Larry- One more thing: the castings you have may be thicker than the ones on this chest. Those were from the Goddard secretary and were somewhat bolder. Use the same method to make the thinner ones. Also, your chest shells want to be about 5 1/8 high, more or less. I'm not at the shop right now, so I can't ell you exactly. I'll check tomorrow and let you know.-Al
Thank you so much Al, the two dimensions are a big help with the proportions.  I intend to make the case frame and sit it onto the leg frame with moulding, then add the 1 3/4 inch tall top moulding.  Top will be attached in front with couple of screws and sliding dovetail in the rear.  I think the origional looks like it had applied molding on the side at the top and the bottom.  The 5/4 X 22in mahogany board that I have will work well for a single the same look for the sides and the top.  I plan to use 8/4 for the blockfront drawers and apply the shells.
Thanks again Al for the help
Larry Bilderback