Simply Genius


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Back in May at the Nielsen Tool Event in Cincinnati, I happened to be present when John Economaki of Bridge City Tools unveiled his new "mystery tool" to Christopher Schwarz of Popular Woodworking.  I didn't mention it before because it was still very much in the design and development phase and John swore us to secrecy.  But I've thought of it several times during the past few months because it's a tool that is as brilliant as it is basic.  The kind of invention that seems so obvious you're left smacking yourself on the head saying, "Why didn't I think of that!"  These kinds of inventions fascinate me because they somehow serve as a widow into the workings of a mind of a different kind of genius--the proverbial "thinking outside of the box."  Don't get me wrong, Economaki is no brain surgeon, no rocket scientist.  He's toolmaker--same as the guy who came up with the hammer or the wheel.  So what makes the "mystery tool" so smart?  Like many of John's other original tools, I think it may be the way it provides a simple solution to what is really a simple task but for some reason has traditionally been done in a number of different complex ways.  Maybe he's on to something.  See for yourself on his bog at Bridge City Tools (
Gerald, I guess I'd say my opinion on this tool has softened over time. Yeah, it's cool, ingenious and could be really handy. But at the price, jeeze. If I were wealthy I'd probably buy one, but until then I think I'll just practice my skills and try and master the old methods.
