SAPFM-ORV Fall Meeting September 7 & 8, 2013 in Hudson, OH

David Conley

Well-known member
SAPFM-ORV Fall Meeting September 7 & 8, 2013

SAPFM – ORV Chapter,


For the WIA2013 on Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19, we will have a booth at the show.  We would like to have as many display pieces there as possible.  Please contact Bob Compton if you can help out at: [email protected] .  Also if you get a chance, come by and see us.

I am looking for someone to write up the meeting reports.  Bill Minnick has done a great job in the past, and his efforts have been greatly appreciated!!!  But it is time for someone else to step up.  The incentive is that you will get a copy of all of my pictures and I do take a lot.  Please think about it. 

We will be having our meeting at Richard Grell’s shop.  I will not be posting directions to his shop on the website.  You will only be able to get them from my Emails.

Richard Grell makes and teaches Windsor chair making classes.  If you would like to extend your stay, you can combine a chair making class with our meeting.  There will be a Child’s Windsor Chair on September 3-5 and an adult sized hoop back (AKA) sack back Windsor chair class on September 9-13.  He would love for these classes to be made up of SAPFM Folks. He could really get into a lot of the great technical and historical information with our group!  All of the information for both classes can be found on his website . If anyone wants to call him (phone 330-650-0586), he would be happy to answer any questions.

For our upcoming Fall meeting in Hudson, OH, George Walker will be leading a hands-on drawing exercise.  You will need to bring several items with you if you want to fully participate in the hands-on demonstration, and don’t worry if you don’t have everything.  We can share.  Suggested items to bring:

1. Pencil & Paper (drafting paper if you have it)
2. Compass
3. Dividers
4. Ruler/straight edge
5. possible more items to be added later

As usual, I will need a head count of who is planning to attend so that we can get the right amount of food. 

The shop will be open at 10 am and closes right after the meeting. 

Again, this meeting will be free to all dues paying SAPFM members. The proposed agenda is listed below. 


Society of American Period Furniture Makers
Ohio River Valley Chapter

Proposed AGENDA

SATURDAY, September 7, 2013

1. Open doors at 10:00am
Arrive, relax, have some coffee

2. Introductions and Show & Tell, 11:00am – 12:00pm
The “show and tell” is an ice breaker.  Please bring anything you would like to show off.  If you have a special piece, a project or even a jig, please bring them.  For those who haven’t attended a previous meeting, this is a quick introduction, a display of your skills, interests, projects both past and present, jig, etc. It can even be a request for help in a particular area. After we go around the room, we will break for 30 min. During this break, you can seek out the other members who have similar interest and/or have already built a project/jig you want to build. This break will give you the opportunity to meet and establish a new friendship, pick their brains, and continue communicating with them after the meeting. This is extremely helpful for highly specialized niches, like inlays, marquetry, carving, Bombay chest, etc.

2a) Introductions and Show & Tell, 11:00 - 11:30am
  Name, where you live, your past and present projects, classes, and/or your particular interest and your Show & Tell item if you brought one. …

2b) Break to discuss Show & Tell one-on-one, 11:30am-12:00pm
  Also, we will have another swap meet.  If you have got something to sell or trade, please bring it. 

3. Lunch, 12:00 – 1:00pm
Richard is looking at making sandwiches from some meat and vegie trays with chips and drinks.

4. Demonstrations -  Preparing Wood Stock
  4a. Drawing exercises by George Walker  1:00 to 3:00pm
  4b. Marquetry by Donna Hill  3:00 to 5:00 pm

SUNDAY, , September 8, 2013

5. Breakfast (on your own)

6. Demonstrations (continue), 8:00 – 12:30pm
  6a. Inlays by Donna Hill  8:00 to 10:00 pm
  6b Windsor Seat by Richard Grell  10:00 to noon

7. Wrap-up, 12:00 - 12:30pm

DIRECTIONS TO Richard Grell’s Shop
* * * Please send me an Email * * *

The Hotel for this meeting is the Hampton Inn, Stow, Ohio
4331 Lakepointe Corporate Dr Stow, OH 44224, phone (330) 945-4160

The reservations are under the name of “SAP” Group Block.  Reservations to be made by individual attendees directly with Hampton Inn, Stow, Ohio.  However, all reservations must be received on or before 8/13/2013 (the “Cut-Off Date”).  Rates are $92/night plus taxes.
