Oval tilt top table.


Well-known member
I was able to take measurments of a ovel til top table and I am trying to understand why the column is not exactly in the center of the top. Based on the measurments, the column is 5/8" towards the latch. When the table has its top fliped up the latch is in the upper portion.

Is this location of the column being off center there for a balance reason when the table has its top up or is it just an odity?


If I'm envisioning the mechanism right, I'd agree that the 5/8 offset is a balance issue. Either so that the top stays vertical when open, or so that the top does not automatically flip up as soon as the latch is triggered.

Just my 2 cents,

I have made many tilting top candle stand tables all the way up to pie crust tea tables.  I always place the column in the center of the top.  Balance has never been an issue when opened.  When the latch is released the top does not flip up on it's own (at least on mine).  I'd say the cabinet maker just "goofed".  I've done this and have had to re-locate the two cleats that are fastened to the underside of the top.

Dennis Bork
Antiquity Period Designs, Ltd.
Based on the input and me revisiting the table, I agree that the cabinetmaker goofed. There is also a mistake on the cleats. Nether matches the other. So I will go with mounting the column in the center of the table.

Thank you for all the help.


There's a possiblity that the cabinetmaker didn't goof. There's a better chance that either one or both of the cleats have been replaced. I haven't seen or worked on many tilt-top tables that have not been repaired. One giveaway is screw holes that go through the top and are plugged or filled. These tables aren't very robust so it makes sense that most have been repaired a few times over the years. If you get a chance to look it over again, see if you can spot anything fishy. It shouldn't be hard, most repairs are pretty bad.
