Ogee Bracket Feet and H&R's


Would like to incorporate ogee bracket feet into my work. Work which ranges from spice boxes to smaller (nightstand sized)) Chippendale case work. Perhaps a knee hole sized desk would be the upper limit. size wise.

There are several ways to remove the bulk of the waste that I can take advantage of. Then switching over to H&R`s for final shaping and smoothing.

What size H&R's do fellow members recommend for such tasks ?
For spice boxes, you'll be making relatively small ogees and can use the typical H&R sizes used for furniture moulding...10s or 12s at the max. For knee hole desk, now you're making much larger coves and ovolos. When I made ogee feet of this size I used a #16 (1.25" radius) IIRC.

I've since acquired a #18 so am good to go if I need to make another set.
Mark, thanks ever so much !! Your direction really helped a rank newbie to the world of H&R’s.

Shared your response with a friend who isn’t into “The Big Three” but is quite adept with molding planes.

He is in process of setting me up with a selection based on the desired profiles.

Thanks again !!