Navigation Tips


Active member
Staff member
The following tips should facilitate navigating smoothly from the forum to the other pages of the SAPFM site.

1.The 'home' button on the forum pages leads to the <i>forum</i> home page rather than the SAPFM home page.

2. As many have noticed, when a visitor types into the browser window and clicks on 'Forum' from the SAPFM home page (or any other page of the web site), the forum opens in a new window. Browse the forum, post comments and replies, update or modify your member profile and, when finished, simply close the forum window, and you will see that you are still on the SAPFM website.

3. If you want to toggle between the website and the forum, minimize the forum window and browse the website. When you are ready to go back to the forum, click on the minimized forum window in the task bar at the bottom of your screen, and the forum will re-open on the page where you last were.

4. If your back button is enabled (green, or not greyed-out), use it to move backwards through the forum. If you want to get back to the SAPFM main site, either close or minimize the browser window, depending on whether or not you are finished on the forum. Note: If you bookmark the forum only, you will not be able to browse the entire website.

Please post or email any questions or comments you have!

[email protected]
