Looking for a substitute for Boxwood


I visited the web site with an eye to putting some boxwood aside as I learned long ago that one buys the nicest wood when it is available, not when one wants it.

I was absolutely stunned to see that they stock 35,000 board feet. At their retail price, that amounts to about $1M worth iof inventory.

Wow ! 


I was amazed at the volume as well. I'm used to my local lumberyard, which stocks very small quantities. And any of the specialty dealers I called only had a few pieces of pretty gnarly wood. My primary purchase at Rare Woods in Maine was Swiss Pear, which I got in 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4. Beautiful stuff. I was so worn out I never got to look at the mahogany. There's just wood everywhere. Well worth a look, or a call. Again, I have no connection, other than as a happy customer.