Jim Conley: Re-create a Philadelphia Ball and Claw Armchair


New member
During our two day Fall meeting, Jim Conley, master craftsman and father of David Conley the Ohio River Valley's President, will give a presentation on taking measurements from an existing historical piece and creating a complete set of plans and detailed mouldings of the carvng details needed to perfectly reproduce an exact reproduction copy of the piece.  Jim will share his methodology and the detailed process of creating the drawings and molds for this piece.  We are very pleased to have this master craftsman come and share his lifetime of learned skills and processes with us.
The meeting will take place at The Woodcraft of Georgia store on Holcomb Bridge Road in Roswell,GA just north of Atlanta on the weekend of September 10-11, 2011.  All SAPFM memvbers and their guests are welcome to come enjoy this presentation as well as other short topics, show and tell period, comradarie, and sharing.