Finishing varnish


I'm completing a mahogany tea table. I used Behlen's Rockhard Table Top Varnish at 50% strength. After each coat has dried I rubbed the table with 000 steel wool before applying the next coat. I've done 3 coats so far. I will probably do another 3 coats.

My question is about rubbing out the final coat.I have Behlen's Rubbing Compound. Would this do a good job or should I use another method. How long should I wait before rubbing out the final coat?
If you want a filled-pore finish, you need to cut rhe finish back with 320 or 400 between coats unless you use a grain filler, Whwn the pores are filled, level the surface with 1500 wet or dry with water as the lubricant. Apply the final coat and let cure. Rub out with 0000 steel wool with paste wax as the lubricant. Make sure all of your strokes are with the grain or scratches will show. DAMHIKT. For a gloss finish, I use Meguiars automotive compounds and a buffer.
I use the old time method of rubbing out a finish.  Pumice and then rottenstone using mineral oil as the lubricant.  It creates a soft satin sheen.

The best method to see if all sanding scratches are gone is to place your piece in direct sun light and view it from all angles.  The direct sun light will review all of the "sins".

Dennis Bork
Antiquity Period Designs, Ltd.