election voting


Well-known member
Has anyone else have trouble voting? The site (votingplace.net) states that I can not be identified as a voter.
I have the same problem! The site cannot identify me as a member/voter. Looks like a serious flaw. I hope it can be fixed.

Dennis Bork
We had a glitch.  We discovered the problem and attempted to correct it.  When it became apparent it was more complicated, we sent an email at 9:42AM EDT to let people know there was a problem and that we would update them.  I also posted a note on the forum.   The service is a company on the west cost so it took a while to reach them.  We corrected the problem just after noon EDT on Monday and at 2:14PM EDT a notice was sent to all SAPFM members letting them know it was corrected, approximately 14 hours after the polls opened at just after midnight EDT.  That left just under 28 days to vote.  

Tough crowd.  

Ken Johnson
I voted today.. The system worked well, login was easy. As they say, the early bird may get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!