Agenda for the Spring Meeting

Joe Lambert

Active member
Meeting will be in Springfield Virginia at the woodcraft store see map from Prev posting

9:00-9:30 register pick up name tags. Coffee and donuts.

9:00-9:10 Welcome to all and introduction to Speakers

9:10-10:00 presentation of construction of 18th Century Bed by Jeff Headley and Steve Hamilton.

10:00-10:15 small bathroom break

10:15-11:30 Continuation of 18 th century beds with Jeff Headley and Robert Hall

11:30-12:00 Jigs discussion show and tell, offering insight for construction by members.

12:00-12:45 Lunch break. Many sites to eat close by.

12:45- 2:00  Discussion on 18th century bedhanging's and hardware by Jeff Headley.

2:00-3:00  Finishing and Layering of colors by Charles Neil

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-4:00 continuation on Finishing

4:00-4:30  Discussion of State Logo design and colors

4:30-5:00  Decisions on fall meeting, place, time, and topic
I am sorry for a mix up on my part. Steve Hamilton should also be listed on the itinerary along with my presentations.  We have worked with many Virginia  and Maryland museums, not to mention other areas, on period bed construction, one folding bed. This should prove to be good discussion about period beds with modern considerations.
I'm a new member of SAPFM and of the Virginia chapter, and am looking forward to this meeting.  Thanks in advance to all the presenters who are willing to teach and share your knowledge/insights!

Joe, thank you very much for putting together a very informative program today.  I always learn a lot from Jeff and Steve. I actually sat down tonight with my youngest to pick out a bed design and will use their guidance religiously. The finishing tips and real how to insights by Charles filled my notebook!

You mentioned that the Chapter meetings inspired you to get busy and do some serious shop work for the following couple of weeks.  I expect the same for myself and only wish you would have meetings every couple of weeks just to keep us moving! I look forward to the next meeting and certainly hope I can break away to attend.

Thanks much, John
I would like to echo John's sediments!  Although I must say I found the simplest thing most exciting as it fixed and issue I had to fix on Sunday.  I had just finished two more kitchen cabinets and got overspray on the fronts.  As suggested by Charles and Jeff, I used a brown paper bag and  I could NOT believe how well it worked!!!!!

Thanks again for all the work and allowing an northern Marylander into the group! 
