14 November 2015 Tour of Hammond Harwood House in Annapolis, MD

Mark Maleski

Hello SAPFM members,

The Chesapeake Chapter has coordinated with curator for the Hammond-Harwood house in Annapolis, MD, for a special tour of the house with specific focus on the original 18th century furniture.  More details on the house are below, but the primary need is to solicit your feedback and determine whether we'll have critical mass for the tour.  We're targeting a minimum of 10 participants (the tours can handle up to 50), so please reply by email to [email protected] if you will attend either of the dates below [edit: we picked 14 November @ 9 a.m.]

If there is interest, we could meet up for lunch prior to the tour; Annapolis is a wonderful setting for lunch and for strolling to Hammond-Harwood.

The Hammond-Harwood house was begun in 1774 by the gentleman planter Matthias Hammond. Ardently favoring the cause for freedom, Hammond was elected to the Maryland government in 1773. At the same time, he had begun working with renowned architect William Buckland on plans for a new, elegant townhouse in the most fashionable area of Annapolis.

The Hammond-Harwood House is a five part Anglo-Palladian (derived from 16th Italian architect Andrea Palladio) mansion that features some of the best woodcarving and plasterwork in America. It maintains a kind of symmetry and system of proportions that are rarely seen in buildings of this period. While most 18th century structures were fashioned by amateurs and artisans, the Hammond-Harwood house was clearly the work of a trained professional architect.    More details are at: http://hammondharwoodhouse.org/about-hammond-harwood-house/

The Hammond-Harwood House is furnished with beautiful 18th and 19th-century furniture and decorative items. The museum proudly showcases the finest collection of colonial furniture in Maryland. With authentic works from Philadelphia, New York, Massachusetts, England, Ireland, and China, the collection represents a broad spectrum of 18th century artistic endeavors.  The collection of labeled pieces by the cabinetmaker John Shaw is a particularly unique feature, but the House is replete with beautiful and utilitarian objects that tell the story of life in Annapolis over two hundred years ago.  More details, including a 9-page pdf of their John Shaw collection, is located at: http://hammondharwoodhouse.org/about-our-collection/

Based on responses, we will choose the date and follow-up with further instructions.

Mark Maleski
We have a final answer: Time: our tour of the Hammond-Harwood house will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, 14 November 2015.  If interested, please email [email protected] so we can plan for the right # of participants.  Note that there is a Naval Academy football game that day, but it doesn't begin until 3:30, so we should be able to get into town (and back out) without too much trouble.

Further details are as follows:

- This will be a curator-led "Furniture tour" with highlights of their John Shaw collection, as well as other 18th century furniture on display. The architecture is spectacular too, and we'll inevitably spend time discussing it.

- Our curator-guide will open doors/drawers and show us other details of the furniture upon our request (I warned her we'll certainly request!).

- Photography will be allowed.  No flash, no video.

- Cost of the tour will be $15 per person (pay Hammond-Harwood House upon entry)

- We will start promptly at 9:00 a.m., so probably best to shoot for an 8:45 arrival.

- Free parking is available on weekends at the Bladen Street Garage, at the corner of Calvert and Bladen streets, not far from the State Capital building. More information on that garage as well as all other city parking options may be found at: http://www.annapolis.gov/government/city-departments/transportation/parking.

- We'll make some inquiries into local restaurants for a "no-host" lunch (i.e., we won't organize it, other than perhaps finding a restaurant that is suitable and can handle a large group).  Please let us know if you're interested in this option, though it's OK to reply with a "maybe, we'll see" response.

Mark Maleski