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  1. Troy Livingston

    SAPFM Unplugged Online Group Meeting

    Mark, I got the invite and am looking forward to the meeting. Thanks for your help.
  2. Troy Livingston

    SAPFM Unplugged Online Group Meeting

    Mark, I got an email with the link for the one on May 16th in my spam folder. No sign of the May 8th link. My ISP may have blocked that one altogether. Could you send the link in a PM? Troy
  3. Troy Livingston

    Movement for a Mass. Shelf Clock

    Absolutely, get the movement first then modify your plans as required to fit. While an OG movement may work there are problems. OG weight cords run up to a pulley at the top of the case and the weights travel along the sides of the case. This would be incompatible with your style of case. Most...
  4. Troy Livingston

    New SAPFM Website & Forum

    Wonderful! I'm not sure what the answer is but am sure it isn't Facebook. Yes, I would be one of those folks who refuses to sign up for Facebook. It is sad, nearly every group I am a member of has some small faction that pushes for a move to Facebook and when they succeed I move on. There are...
  5. Troy Livingston

    Key for 100-year-old Union Tool Chest

    Tom, Nicely done. Hope these help. One locked, one unlocked. Troy
  6. Troy Livingston

    Key for 100-year-old Union Tool Chest

    I have a similar tool chest. The key is steel 0.040" thick. You may be able to use the scale to sort out dimensions or I can make measurements if needed. Troy
  7. Troy Livingston

    Mechanical movement for tall clock

    They seem to have the same selection of modern movements that the other suppliers have but for higher prices. If you are desperate, this is an alternative, just keep in mind you are building an heirloom case for a temporary movement. Currently the best of these modern movements are made in...
  8. Troy Livingston

    Worm holes in Butternut

    Tom, Your wait is over. Looks great, let's see those hinges.
  9. Troy Livingston

    Mechanical movement for tall clock

    Ed, Sorry no luck. Is getting to the point where most of the folks I used to recommend have all retired or worse. My best recommendation at this point is to buy an orphan movement and dial and have it overhauled. I am happy to help if you want to discuss specifics offline. I urge anyone...
  10. Troy Livingston

    Joinery of base to sides

    I checked the two period American tall case clocks that I have access to and neither is dovetailed here. I've gone through some of my references but none show this connection or give that much detail on the case construction. I'm not sure it really matters as this joint is not highly loaded...
  11. Troy Livingston

    Mechanical movement for tall clock

    Ed, Sorry, I didn't realize that he had stopped, for quality manufactured reproduction movements David was the best and sadly only choice. There are skilled folks making high grade one off clock movements but I'm not sure any of them are still around or would be interested. I will do some...
  12. Troy Livingston

    Mechanical movement for tall clock

    Sounds like you are looking for an 8 day bell strike movement? If you are building the case it is better to have the movement in hand before making the case so you can ensure everything will fit. Otherwise you may have to cut clearance holes in the slender waist of your clock for the pendulum...